Though I certainly do miss being young in some ways. It's not really fair to dismiss that entirely on the idea that you just miss being young. The world actually does, in fact, change in important ways. Trains still exist, but you can't just up and go somewhere on a whim without a passport in the same way. That mental health diagnosis ceased to exist once that more of travel ceased to exist. IIRC, 'wander lust' was a bonafide mental health diagnosis applied to people who would just up and leave and go elsewhere for a time, abandoning their lives and families and claiming to forget they existed. I read some article about back when train travel was new and borders weren't secured and passports weren't a thing. There's nothing invalid at all about saying that was an overall better quality of experience and I'm sad that there seems to be no means to bring it back. It's maybe kind of like missing flying before 9/11 changed security procedures permanently across the globe. Just as we were once young, so was 'the (internet) world'/the websites. I always wonder how much of each factor is true.