Tick identification washington state

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Tick tests are not typically covered by medical insurance, even though our consultants and possibly your physician may advocate having the tick analyzed for risk of infection.

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Information about the submitter is used only for the purpose of processing the sample, handling the payment and communicating with Ticknology, LLC. Transmission of a given pathogen is often restricted, ecologically or physiologically, to a particular tick genus or species. Results from your tick test are kept private and individuals submitting ticks remain completely anonymous. In the United States, tick paralysis is most commonly associated with Dermacentor spp. Importantly, it is encouraged that results are shared with a physician during a consultation. Tick tests do not provide clinical diagnosis of disease and we do not practice medicine nor do we provide medical advice.

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However, our tests are not to be used as a substitute for clinical testing. Our tests utilize a proven highly specific and sensitive method for detecting the presence or absence of DNA associated with the specific pathogens advertised. Ticknology’s tick tests provide a truthful assessment of tick infection status and can be used in determining the risk of exposure to a tick-borne pathogen.

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